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Developer Diaries: Double-Barreled Vehicles Branch içindeki extra shot içindekiler ile ilgili bilgileri en doğru şekilde sentezleyin

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Bu Hometown Inn web sitesinde, kendiniz için daha değerli verilere sahip olmak için extra shot içindekiler dışındaki bilgileri güncelleyebilirsiniz. hometown-inn.com web sitesinde, sizin için her gün sürekli yeni ve doğru içerik yayınlıyoruz, Sizin için en doğru bilgiyi sağlama arzusuyla, Kullanıcıların internette mümkün olduğunca çabuk düşünme ekleyebilmelerine yardımcı olun.

Konuyla ilgili içerik extra shot içindekiler

Eylül ayında, WG Fest’te World of Tanks için yeni bir tamirci duyurulmuştu: çift namlulu araçlar. Duyurudan hemen sonra Süper Test’te test etmeye başladık. Bir sonraki büyük adım çok önemli: bu tamirci ile belirli araçları test etmek. Yeni Sovyet şubesine hangi araçların ekleneceğini ve onları neyin özel kıldığını öğrenmek için videoyu izleyin. Zevk almak! En son gelişmelerden, yarışmalardan ve etkinliklerden haberdar olmak için bizi takip edin: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Twitch: .

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Developer Diaries: Double-Barreled Vehicles Branch
Developer Diaries: Double-Barreled Vehicles Branch

Okuduğunuz Developer Diaries: Double-Barreled Vehicles Branch içeriğini keşfetmenin yanı sıra, Sonra Hometown Inn her gün aşağıda yayınlanan daha fazla bilgiyi arayabilirsiniz.

SEE ALSO  MALIBU LİKÖR VEYA RUM NEDİR NE İLE NASIL İÇİLİR🔞 | En eksiksiz rum aroma nedir ile ilgili içerik

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#Developer #Diaries #DoubleBarreled #Vehicles #Branch.

World of Tanks,wot,worldoftanks,tanks,tank,free 2 play,gaming,video game,computer game,free games,multiplayer,wargaming,activity_Supertest,event_Double-barreled vehicles pt.2,Double,Barreled,Branch,2Barreled,Double barreled tank.

Developer Diaries: Double-Barreled Vehicles Branch.

extra shot içindekiler.

extra shot içindekiler bilgisiyle HometownInn ‘ın sağladığı bilgiyle, sizin için yararlı olacağını umarak daha fazla bilgiye ve yeni bilgiye sahip olmanıza yardımcı olacağını umuyoruz.. extra shot içindekilerhometown-inn.com hakkında bilgi izlediğiniz için içtenlikle teşekkür ederim.

  1. Čezet_jawa Motorcycles diyor ki:

    yes this is the best idea to spend a lot of time creating new tanks instead of improving the game and delete it all after a few hours of unnecessary creation time, but wargaming will make some New premium tanks to get money out of us

  2. Mrcll diyor ki:

    Im hyped before Christmas but. BUT
    why are you making another inappropriate tank for its tier. I mean the IS II. That hull armor in tier 10. HMMMMMMMM. The kv-3 isnt enough? And listen to your players please because they are not happy and they arent enjoying the game(dont except me). i think you know the reasons. I heard nowadays:hating wargaming is a new Vogue xdddd

  3. Tim Bergmann diyor ki:

    Well, until now those double barrelled tanks didn't really bother me. But watching the video and listening to the sound when both guns are fired simultaneously…Excuse me, I'm busy with getting the KV 3 now. (Never thought I'd say that one day, lol) xD

  4. čierny les diyor ki:

    anglicky anglickyarabskybulharskýčeskýčínsky jednoduchýčínsky tradičnýchorvátskydánskyestónskyfínskyfrancúzskyhaitskyhebrejskyhindskyholandskyindonézskytalianskyjaponskykatalánskykórejskylitovskylotyšskymaďarskynemeckynórskypoľskyportugalskyrumunskyruskygréckyslovenskyslovinskyšpanielskyšvédskythajskytureckyukrajinskyvelšskyvietnamsky

     slovensky  anglickyarabskybulharskýčeskýčínsky jednoduchýčínsky tradičnýchorvátskydánskyestónskyfínskyfrancúzskyhaitskyhebrejskyhindskyholandskyindonézskytalianskyjaponskykatalánskykórejskylitovskylotyšskymaďarskynemeckynórskypoľskyportugalskyrumunskyruskygréckyslovenskyslovinskyšpanielskyšvédskythajskytureckyukrajinskyvelšskyvietnamsky 


    And what adjustments IS4 will have???

  5. Dan D diyor ki:

    where is the Ratte german tank ??? , again another more russian bias… we want Ratte in the game as reward tank (ok, a hard grind to have him in the end ,as reward tank) ,

  6. Vidar Ottesen diyor ki:

    Is this double barrel going to the weeled line?, can't wait to get it on my weeled. The weeled Is so fun to play, I love the advanced auto aim, Speed and that you don't stop when they are shooting my weels.
    I just drive zikk zakk and do a lot of spotting over the open area's.
    Finally I can carry.
    Love it!

  7. D-Tronics UK diyor ki:

    soo basically more OP russian tanks then??

    WG your game is getting worse by the minute, the OP russian tanks, the OP french wheeled cars (as one of my clan mates said "its world of tanks not world of armoured cars"), the going against 15 t95 chieftains in CWs, the increased amount of team trolls since team damage was turned off, the constant unneeded nerfs to arty (because people complain about being shot and killed in a war game, the increased amount of low skill players in games, T8 premium tanks being sold to new players with less than 100 games played, no skill needed, just load the gold to win

    all these things turn people from your game and its clear you guys are getting desperate to keep your player base but the truth is this, WoT only has another couple of years left before people realise the truth and start playing something else.

    i have often thought about becoming a CC but im glad im not as i dont think i can for 100% recommend WG as a company and WoT as a game.

    WG you have a lot to do to make your game great again :

    1. Rebalance the OP tanks
    2. rebalance/limit gold rounds
    3. revert arty nerfs and teach players how to play against arty (since most people who complain about arty are the ones who make it easy)
    4. limit new players to only buying tier 3-4 prem tanks until they have played at least 500-1000 games
    5. limit the amount of same vehicles you can take into CW games (e.g. 3 max of each tank)
    6. re-enable team damage or improve your team damage system to take into account team trolls (just watch videos on the WoT Arty Noobs youtube channel for examples of team trolls)
    7. introduce some form of skill based MM in random battles
    8. remove or rebalance the french cars
    9. start listening to your players for once, the people who give you a job and keep you in business

    this game used to be great but now i can have about 2-3 games before i get fed up with the teams and just stop playing.

    p.s. i know some of you wont agree with what i said and thats fine, everyone is entitled to there opinion but these are in my opinion what would make the game fun again

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