Bu makale içeriğinde mai tai kokteyl ile ilgili. mai tai kokteyl ile ilgileniyorsanız, bu Mai Tai makalesinde mai tai kokteyl’yi Hometown Inn ile tartışalım.

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SEE ALSO  Şimdiye Kadar Keşfedilmiş EN BÜYÜK 7 YILAN | tekirdağ altın seri 100 ile ilgili en eksiksiz bilgilerin özeti

Bazı açıklamalar konuyla ilgilidir mai tai kokteyl

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Bazı resimler mai tai kokteyl konusuyla ilgilidir

Mai Tai
Mai Tai

Görüntülediğiniz Mai Tai içeriğini izlemenin yanı sıra, Sonra Hometown Inn her gün hemen aşağıda yayınladığı diğer bilgileri keşfedebilirsiniz.

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mai tai kokteyl ile ilgili birkaç öneri

#Mai #Tai.

SEE ALSO  ''TAYYİP RADYO TELEVİZYON'' ERDOĞAN'I KIZDIRAN SÖZLER | 50 lik rakı fiyatı hakkında en doğru bilgiyi özetleyin

Cocktail,recipe,drink,alcohol,booze,how to make,dark rum,orgeat syrup,amaretto,rum,tropical.

Mai Tai.

mai tai kokteyl.

mai tai kokteyl hakkındaki bilgilerle Hometown Inn ‘ın size verdiği bilgilerle, size değer getireceğini umarak daha fazla bilgi ve yeni bilgiye sahip olmanıza yardımcı olacağını umuyoruz.. mai tai kokteyl hakkındaki makaleyi Hometown Inn ile izlediğiniz için içtenlikle teşekkür ederiz.

  1. LR Vogt diyor ki:

    Pretty good recipe. If you want to make it simple and inexpensive… and I do. 2 oz Appleton Estate Signature rum, 1/2 Cointreau, 1/2 lime juice, 1/4 orgeat. I find orgeat can overpower the other flavors but blend to your tastes.
    Last night I experimented and replaced the Cointreau with Grenadine (replaced orange flavor for pomegranate). It tasted great. Then I tried that with Plantation 3 stars rum instead of Appleton and that was also delicious. Rum, Lime juice and any sweetener is a winner. Orgeat gives it that special tiki kick. 🙂 cheers.

  2. C C diyor ki:

    Good homemade Mai Tai recipe. A lot of other videos overcomplicate it. This one is straight and to the point and has all the right components. If you have the funds, you can always upgrade ingredients.

  3. matthew prentiss diyor ki:

    You can talk about great home made ingredients, top shelf booze and getting the ratios perfectly balanced, but the thing everybody overlooks and what truly makes a Mai Tai an adult happy meal is the salad up top. In the 90's the Royal Hawaiian hotel still had marble bathrooms with bathroom attendants. They're all gone now, replaced with cheap Formica and no guy in an old suit basking in farts and dollar sprays of cologne. What's gone too is the exceptional garnishes they'd put on Mai Tai's. Each one, no matter how many Mai Tais deep you were, were presented with no less than a cherry and pineapple wedge skewered on a paper umbrella along with a mint sprig and the most beautiful orchid blossom ever. How I miss those days, picking people up at the airport, bringing them for a first pacific ocean experience with sandy feet and a perfect Mai Tai in hand trying to keep the new arrival awake until 10 pm so the jet lag wouldn't suck so much. Shout out to bathroom attendants everywhere if you still exist. You may bask in more farts than a returning flight from Cabo, but I miss you. The next Mai Tai's on me. Full salad.

  4. Sherry Glass diyor ki:

    Love it!!! Nice voice (realllllllly nice voice), musick is in the background–not over your voice. You didn't talk for 4 minutes–then get to the recipe…..you simply made a Mai Tai video. Awesome!!!!

  5. Einhander49 diyor ki:

    Man, this guy is just producing bullshit now. This aint even an authentic mai tai.

    He's not giving us the T&A we want and he's only half-assing these recipes. Fuck you, tipsy bartender.

  6. ra W diyor ki:

    Some of us already had drink mixing experience, and came to the channel for the entertainment. You switched to these mini videos with little to none entertainment value. I understand wanting to drive people to your website , but to not post the recipes with these videos just seems wrong in my opinion. I keep subscribing hoping for a change to something resembling the old tipsy bartender,but it doesn’t seems like that’s going to happen.

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